Get personalized treatment for your communication, memory, and swallowing.

Our Services

  • Free 15-minute phone or video call to determine if we’re a good fit for each other. Briefly discuss your medical history, current & past struggles, and personal goals. If we’re a good fit for each other, the next step is confirm your evaluation or wellness coaching services.

  • This is your first visit with Alex, your therapist. We’ll discuss your personal goals, home & community needs, and therapy preferences.

    You’ll participate in a combination of formal assessments and patient-reported outcomes. This helps to determine you strengths & weaknesses in areas of expressive language, receptive language, voice, cognition, speech, and swallowing.

    Includes clinical recommendations, observations, and referrals if needed.

    **Available only to PA residents

  • Participate in a weekly, customized plan of care to strengthen your areas of weakness and help you reach your personal goals.

    Patient-centered visits include evidence-based techniques, specific exercises, and caregiver training related to your personal goals. We don't believe in "baselines" and "reaching max potential." We go above and beyond to provide a innovative and collaborative approach to help you reach your goals.

    We believe in a home exercise program and tapping into community support, to help facilitate gains outside of therapy.

    **available only to PA residents

  • Navigating the new normal of living with a cognitive, communication, or swallowing impairment? Wellness coaching sessions are for adults and caregivers seeking resources, a customized plan, and strategy on this journey.

    This service is best for patients and/or caregivers who DO NOT live in Pennsylvania. *These are paid consultations.


    Sessions may include:

    • caregiver training on living with a loved one who has a cognitive, communication, or swallowing impairment

    • implementing or reinforcing therapy recommendations and home exercise programs

    • navigating your hospital discharge & transition home

    • navigating a nursing home stay & transition back home

    • how to qualify for home-based care and get the most out of your sessions

      Provided via phone or video. (Ask about our Be Well Bundle for those who want ongoing support!)

    *This is NOT speech therapy.

  • Receive a thorough assessment of your home, environment, or travel destination - as it relates to your swallowing, cognitive, or communication needs. This includes:

    • creation of customized visual supports or reminders

    • creation of memory books or memory stations

    • creating special diets and menus, sourcing appropriate foods and drink

    • home and office signs for cognitive or communication needs

    • Personal visit or phone call to home, office, or vacation destination to advocate for your needs and ensure accessibility

Show this to your doctor!

Download our free PDF - “When to Refer to Speech Therapy.” Feel free to share this with your healthcare providers, caregivers, and family. This is an easy-to-read document that explains what a speech therapist does and how they can help.

Alex is holding her business card up to the camera. The card is lightblue with her logo "The Wynter Wellness Group" in white. There are faint white Ws in the background of the card. Out of focus is Alex in dark blue scrubs and long brown box braids.

How I can help you…

  • Forgetting medications? Misplacing items? Can’t focus during your daily tasks. Cognitive therapy includes training in customized strategies, practicing home & community tasks, and home/work modifications to improve your thinking, attention, and memory. Reach your goals with a combination of a home exercise program, research-based cognitive exercises, and various strategies. 

  • Know what you want to say, but can’t quite get the word out? Trouble writing after a stroke? Therapy includes word finding exercises, conversation practice, training in communication strategies, and writing drills. Your therapist will also assess the need for a communication board or device. We emphasize community participation and home practice.

  • Trouble answering questions accurately or following instructions? Can’t understand what you’re reading? Learn strategies to improve your comprehension skills. Participate in sessions targeting your question comprehension, reading comprehension, and direction following.

  • Hoarse voice? People can’t hear or understand you? We treat voice disorders from misuse or trauma. Participate in voice exercises, breath work & massage, and training in strategies to preserve your voice. Improve speech intelligibility through exercises and training in communication strategies. Stuttering impacting work and social confidence? Learn fluency strategies to speak with more ease. We also provide assessments for communication devices or special supports, like a voice amplifier. 

  • Difficulty chewing or swallowing? Food sticking in your chest? Therapy for dysphagia (dis-fay-juh aka difficulty swallowing) targets the range of motion, coordination, and strength of your swallowing muscles (ex: jaw, lips, tongue, throat). Learn new swallowing strategies, receive diet recommendations of various solid and liquid consistencies, and adaptive equipment to make meal-time easier. Item description

Questions before getting started?

Get in touch.


  • We accept Medicare Part B, CIgna, and Independence Blue Cross. If we're out-of-network with your insurance, we can provide you with a Superbill at your request. The Superbill is a form submitted to your insurance company for potential reimbursement. We encourage you to call your insurance company to see if they cover speech pathology services.

  • Philadelphia! We provide home and community-based visits within the Greater Philadelphia Area. We provide teletherapy visits to all Pennsylvania residents.

  • Please reach out to us directly so we can create a customized therapy package for you.

  • We serve adults and seniors struggling with their chewing/swallowing, thinking, word finding, speech, voice, and understanding. We do not work with children or teenagers.